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RAM Charger 8 For Macintosh
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Is RAM Charger compatible with OS 6, OS 7, OS 8, and OS 8.1?


(Tech0001C[A|B] -- 06/23/98)

Mac OS 8.1

A change in Mac OS 8.1 requires the new release RAM Charger 8.1 for PowerMac users running with Apple Virtual Memory (VM) enabled. You may download the version 8.1 software from here. Version 8.1 is a free update to RAM Charger 8 owners.

Mac OS 8

Many users have reported older versions of RAM Charger work fine with Mac OS 8.0. However, since RAM Charger and OptiMem RAM Charger are old products, we have not done extensive testing under OS 8 and can't offer a concrete endorsement of these reports. If you do use one of the older releases, it is recommended that you update to RAM Charger 3.0.1, which is a free upgrade to all RAM Charger or OptiMem RAM Charger owners. If you continue to use "OptiMem", please be sure you are using the latest free update OptiMem 1.5.6g. Download updates here.

If you are using a PowerMac, especially running modern PowerMac native applications, we would recommend getting the latest RAM Charger release. This is because new techniques have been added to properly determine appropriate starting sizes for modern applications. Alternatively, keep in mind that older RAM Charger releases may start applications too small, requiring you to manually increase starting sizes to get them to work.

The current release RAM Charger 8 has had a great deal more testing done under Mac OS 8, and adds a number of new enhancements to the interface, as well as being PowerMac native. You may download our free trial here, and read about the changes here.

Mac OS 7

All versions of RAM Charger (including RAM Charger 8), OptiMem RAM Charger, and OptiMem work with all releases of Mac OS 7. However, it is recommended that you update to RAM Charger 3.0.1, which is a free upgrade to all RAM Charger or OptiMem RAM Charger owners. If you continue to use "OptiMem", please be sure you are using the latest free update OptiMem 1.5.6g. Download updates here.

Mac OS 6

The first version of RAM Charger was created well after the introduction of OS 7. Certain services available in OS 7 were used in development/. Morevoer, RAM Charger main enhancement is to allow more applicaitons to run at once, a MultiFinder option. As a result, no version of RAM Charger, OptiMem RAM Charger, an OptiMem will work with Mac OS 6. If you install our software under OS 6, it will refuse to load at startup - without causing any problems.


See Also

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