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RAM Charger 8 For Macintosh
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RAM Charger Control Panel in my Extensions folder?


(Tech0028A -- 05/07/98)


RAM Charger is first and foremost a System Extension, though it contains our "obsolete" "Heads-Up Control Panel" as well. The RAM Charger System Extension loads at startup (showing the icon at the bottom of the screen for your personal satisfaction), and provides memory enhancement - applications grow and shrink.

Apple has always supported putting some combinations of multiple things in one file, which means one may put a Control Panel in the same file as a System Extension. Using this technology we also put our trim "Heads-Up Control Panel" in the same file as the System Extension, to avoid littering your disk with another file.

This provided Apple with a dilemma: display the type as "Control Panel" or "Extension"? I suspect that since access from the Finder is more likely to be for usage as a "Control Panel", you see our RAM Charger file as a Control Panel despite the fact it is both a Control Panel and a System Extension.

The way the system handles System Extensions, they can be in the Extensions folder, System Folder, or Control Panels folder (as long as they don't contain some other resource needed by the product that requires the file to be in a certain location). Control Panels may be placed anywhere (as long as they don't contain an Extension or some other resource needed by the product that requires the file to be in a certain location).

Given all this information, we have chosen to put RAM Charger in the extensions folder since the Heads-Up is "obsolete" (the pull-down menu we fell is a better service). You may move the file to any of the Extensions folder, System Folder, or Control Panels folder - though the installer will put it back if you rerun the installer (for example to update).


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