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RAM Charger 8 For Macintosh
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Installer for RAM Charger giving you problems?


(Tech0014A -- 03/19/98)

RAM Charger 8 Installer

Since we get very few reports of problems with our RAM Charger 8 installer, our first suggestions must be that you may have a damaged installer, that your disk is damaged, or that a file previously installed by RAM Charger is so damaged it can't be properly replaced by the installer.

To verify that none of these is the problem, we recommend the following steps which should eliminate rare difficulties that may exist:

  1. Run a disk check utility - Disk First Aid, or a third party product like Norton Utility.
  2. Download a fresh copy of our installer from http://www.RAMCharger.com/download/info.
  3. If you have previously installed RAM Charger, then drag your RAM Charger Preferences to the desktop for backup - to be restored when everything else is working fine.
  4. Run our Installer and "custom" de-install RAM Charger, removing all components.
  5. Quit the installer, and empty the trash.
  6. Do a File Find for "RAM Charger" and "More About" to be absolutely sure that the only file left is the RAM Charger Preferences on your desktop.
  7. Restart with the shift key, and run the installation providing your license - or as a demo.
  8. Upon restart, restore your RAM Charger Preferences (if previously saved) from the desktop by dragging it back into the preferences folder.

If this does not solve your problems, please contact RAMCharger (at) RAMCharger.com.

RAM Charger 3.0.1 Installer

The most common pre-RAM Charger 8 insaller problem is the message "Please insert the disk : RAM Charger Installation". If you are not running the installer from a floppy disk (which is to say it has been downloaded onto your hard disk), then this message is misleading since a "disk" is not required.

In this case, there is the remote possibility that you have a damaged copy our installer and will have to re-download from http://www.RAMCharger.com/download/info. However, it may just be the naming of your folders. Unfortunately the Apple installer is quite intolerant (we only use it so that it will be familiar to users, however it is not very good). You must be sure to have only one folder named "RAM Charger Installation". Inside this folder (safest just to put it on the desktop) should be the "Installer" and "No User Serviceable Parts Inside". If your first folder is not named "RAM Charger Installation" you must re-name it, or if you have "RAM Charger Installation" inside "RAM Charger Installation" then you must remove one level by dragging the contents of the inner "RAM Charger Installation" into the containing folder, then and trash the inner (now empty) "RAM Charger Installation".

If this does not solve your problems, please contact RAMCharger (at) RAMCharger.com.


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